Do you want to Rock Your Sales at your next level?

Align your Energy AND Strategy today!

Get started right now by booking your
PRIVATE Rock Your Sales Energy Scan Healing Session.

Daniel has a deep sensitivity and almost x-ray vision into your core wounds and core gifts. (Hint: Usually related!) He has helped me and so many others to appreciate our talents and share them where they can have the most influence while bringing you more fulfillment. Daniel is especially good at spotting energy leaks (money, relationships and commitments/contracts, etc.) and guiding you to “sew them up” so you can harness more of your personal and creative power. He is also deeply kind, patient and understanding.
Baeth Davis
The Hand Analyst, Inc.
Daniel, you changed my life with the energy scan you did yesterday. Had such a breakthrough meditation and self healing this morning because of you.
Cheryl Stelte
Daniel John Hanneman has the unique ability to tap into the essence of any issue you may be facing and then draw on the most powerful force for transformation in the unseen world to bring resolution to the problem or fulfillment to the desire. He is a gifted healer and teacher.
Chris Attwood
NY Times Bestselling author of "The Passion Test" and "Your Hidden Riches" | Founder and President of Beyul Club and Resort

You were born as the perfection of God wanting to manifest it’s glory through you in a very specific way

Are you feeling stuck in your head, and find the same dead ends again and again without next level SALES RESULTS?


Are you CRYSTAL CLEAR on what makes you completely magical, how to activate that fully into your business, and are you easily able to prosper in your business today?


Do you know what your own unique right state of being is to attract your right clients today with an aligned offer that ROCKS?


Book your PRIVATE 60-Minute Rock Your Sales 
Energy Scan Healing Session today

Daniel J


Daniel John Hanneman has an extensive background as a professional counselor and certified hypnotherapist with combined business and professional backgrounds in energy scanning, energy clearing, spiritual life coaching, intuitive consulting, channeling, metaphysics, Religious Science, hypnosis, psychology, motivational techniques, and personal/business development systems. He is a trailblazer super intuitive and life changing money healer. Daniel deeply awakens the power within spiritual entrepreneurs and transformational leaders to bring forth the most powerful awakening and real results to impact millions of people’s lives around the world.

He is known as “The BlockBuster” for his transformational techniques and messages that shift a person from feeling “blocked” to realizing their greatest potential. Daniel has directly and indirectly impacted millions of people’s lives through his intuitive healing work with individuals, energy scan trainings, speaking to entrepreneurial groups, and his writings. From a best-selling book series, Daniel has co-authored the book, Wake Up Live The Life You Love – Living In Abundance, which featured internationally renowned legends including Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Michael Beckwith. He has been the producer and host for the popular internet radio show, Spiritual RockStar Radio Show.

Daniel is the creator of the Your Sacred Purpose that is unleashing the hidden power and untapped potential to love all of yourself including your full power, your greatest gifts, your truthful purpose, and ability to make a difference while enjoying profound money success in your world-changing business.

On this 60-Minute Rock Your Sales Energy Healing Session, you will gain the following:

  • Instant intuitive downloads from a master trainer intuitive about to know about Your Sacred Purpose, Your Deeper Gifts, and Your Right Alignment for GREATER SALES
  • Begin to realize what is happening within you that blocks you from your NEXT LEVEL SALES within your energy field and strategically in your business
  • Become more energy aligned for NEW SALES and a QUANTUM BREAKTHROUGH in your business quickly
  • Recommendations of what your next steps might be to move forward to ROCK YOUR SALES
  • Introduction to the opportunity to be supported further by Daniel John Hanneman (only if mutually agreed) to take your mission, purpose, and EXPANDED SALES to a brand-new level that is aligned with your highest potential and mission in this lifetime

Book your PRIVATE 60-Minute Rock Your Sales 
Energy Scan Healing Session today

The magic of working with Dan began on my first consultation call with him - I hadn't even hired him yet and my energy opened up. I had been searching for the right next step to put myself into the world for 6 YEARS. I'd done everything - healings, visioning, coaching, journaling, etc. Nothing worked. I inched along and made little progress in getting a vision I could get behind.
In 10 minutes on the phone with Dan all of that changed. I finally knew how to be the me I've always wanted to be and how to make money doing it! The money blocks that I had taken on in the last 10 years melted away and I increased my income by $5000 THE FIRST MONTH! I'm well on track to keeping up that pace and expanding even further. I can't wait to see what Dan has in store for me next. Watch out world, here I come!
Dr Pamela Moss
I thoroughly enjoyed my energy evaluation session with Daniel. He gave me some incredibly useful insight regarding my gifts and talents as a person and some wise counsel regarding my business. I immediately DOUBLED MY MENTORING FEES after my session with him and did so with confidence. I’m thankful for his support and guidance and recommend him and his services to others.
In our very first session together, Dan focused in like a terrier on the hunt. He pinpointed exactly what I needed to do… Dan’s insight proved to be a bull’s eye… The whole project has delightfully snowballed into a valuable offering for my business, drawing in new people and giving me opportunities to let them get to know me and to become my clients or to take advantage of other services that have always been in the back-seat of my business. He helped me get organized so that I could better manage the sudden burst of contacts. Thanks to Dan, my business and I have both shifted dramatically. I am delighted to be working with Dan because he has helped me and my business soaring to new levels of success.
I started to work with Dan Hanneman after he did an energy scan with me. It was really accurate and I knew that some of the blocks he identified were standing in the way of me moving forward with my healing practice. My clients were getting great results, but I was not fully owning my gifts and my value. I also wanted to make more money so I could live well and travel easily for training. Once Dan began to coach me, I was able to release my limiting patterns. First, of course I had to see them and he was gentle and funny but firm. I could not believe the "stuff" that was in my way because I thought I was pretty "together". Underneath though there was a tug-of-war going on. Mostly, it was around self-worth and not feeling I really deserved to get paid for helping people heal. Fast forward and now I am making more money than ever, my clients are making shifts and are so grateful for allowing them to invest in their transformation. I raised my rates, and still got more clients and am able to serve them at a higher level. I am very grateful to Dan and value his contributions to the world of healers. God has blessed him with a unique gift and way of being in the world. He focuses on helping us make more money, but it is our value and power as healers that we are really stepping into.